Fundamental Edge FORUM
Welcome to our alumni-exclusive forum designed to foster engagement and idea-sharing among buy-side professionals. Brett and the Fundamental Edge team plan to bring you the latest in market insights and emerging topics. But, most importantly, we want to hear from you.
June 5th 2024 | 6:00 PM ET
What’s included in the forum
Market Corner
Brett and Andrew will review their latest thoughts and observations on all things market-related.
Timely Topics
Join in on the conversation with fellow alumni. The FE team will guide a group conversation on the most debated topics of the day.
Open Mic
Submit your discussion idea below and we’ll invite you to present at the Forum!
Subscribe for the first Forum on June 5th
Working on a stock pitch?
Neck-deep in a new sector and want to share your observations?
Mastered a new investment tool and want to spread the word?
Let’s hear about it!
Open Mic Submissions
All participants in the Fundamental Edge Forum do so under the Terms of Use. Please email with any questions.